The News told by Tommi

December 04th 2004
There is crust of snow in southern Finland and wintry weather came around in the end of november, here's also dark, but inside my head is too much light that the landscape is making its bloom to the paper though I don't have a lack of lyrics right now..
Nurminen left local hockeyteam of reasons caused by taxation, games are going well as a team, little bit of circus with foreign players (pointing my finger to Sean Avery and his disappearing). There is only one awful loss during this season that's in the halfway right now, keep on fighting boys!
I have checked some gigs (except some happenings where I didn't get ticket early enough..), while the town's refreshing and getting alive (is this town someday alive?)...

After the previous mention in this diary I have installed softwares to my computer and I learnt to use them since then. And what I've done?
There is intro ready for Sweet Equals Suffer, I'm not going to put there anything else more. Chorus have got drums, piano and edited cellos, there is a need for bassline only. Verse is most unfinished part of this track, there is still drums and piano. Step by step this project is going forward...
Drumprogrammings are totally new, there is only tempo left from the old one. And something of fellows for collaborations: I gave very 'raw version' of Sweet Equals Suffer (intro+basicparts with drums and piano) with all lyrics and needful details that guy can take his guitar for this track and he gets something sense of melodies in singing...

October 19th 2004
Those previously mentioned very hot weathers continued till the middle of august and after that it's raining the more or less (so the weather is more gothic). And when the autumn is here, I've enjoying of icehockey in audience. Finland gained a huge success in World Cup though they couldn't avoid the confused situations (pointing to the fight between Summanen and Niinimaa and the public speculation after that). And the team of my hometown started the season better than anyone could expect and the playing is getting better every day, the big part of thanks goes to goaltender Nurminen (who came "for free" to play and help his hometeam during the strike of NHL)
In summertime Lahti is very silent place, if you like rockmusic and you aren't inspired by highculture, so that means that my time went for relaxing.

I'm "having a break" for creating the music, those softwares I've planned to use is saved in elsewhere (I didn't forget them)...

There came some small curves around recordings, because Timo left his computer, where I saved drums of 'Sweet Equals Suffer'. Timo has changed his location and he visits in Lahti only accidentally and that's another matter that makes working more difficult with him. Another tracks is in safe keep and if I have to do a new drumtracks, I have marked tempos and I know exactly what kind of sounds I want... Probably I'm going to do drums with those softwares..
There is also some plans to do collaboration with couple of guys...

Dropper goes on crawling among these bloodred mapleleafs, see ya!

july 25th 2004
Before the beginning of finnish summer i have checked couple of happenings that were very close around festivals, the other one was for metal-scene and another compiled with different styles of rockmusic. The first weeks of summer (june and early july) was a weather that was OK for me, when there was temperatures between 10 and 15 and there was a small rain almost every day. Personally I like this kind of weather mostly in summertime. The last weeks of july here is going on some heat and that's not my favourite at all.. I need to save my energy all the time that I'm able to do (for example) these musicthings (step by step without panic).

Now my computer have got a new processor and the board for it. I planned to test one musicsoftware with that combination and then if it works, I can make my music in easierly (I hope so)...

Finally when I installed programs that I need most (within the change of a processor I have to clean up the hard-drive) , I have continued the recordings of 'Sweet Equals Suffer' and now here is flute and xylophone for intro and pianotracks (that are going to be 'the spine of the track'). Those samples are also edited like I planned them to sound. There is only one question around those samples and that is pianotracks. We have to see can I use those samples, because I can't play them straight with the rhythm (with drumprogrammings or metronome), there were a small mistake within previos session... In near future I'm going to fit those samples with drumprogrammings and mix them with the help of Timo.

Well here was me again and now I want to say that, don't forget to download songs from internet, you can find the links when you click some gramophone-picture down there... Dropper says 'thank you', gives you a bow and goes to shadows and starts to sings there...

May 18th 2004
Sometimes my body needs a piece of angrier music and so I checked a set of three bands (Withering, Insomnium & Before The Dawn) of deathmetal. I also checked Passionworks on the stage and I liked them too...

I got some problems with diskdrives during the spring and finally I changed a new one for my homecomputer, because the former one wanted to destroy more than it saved and at the same time "that devil" made for example updatings of this site difficult, almost impossible to do. Now the problems seems to be passed..

There is no performances in cassette, but with the help of Timo I have made some drums for 'Sweet Equals Suffer' and now there is some kind of sense for it. Intro and chorus is in possession, but the drums of verse needs some editing, there is too many curves in the rhythm. Probably I may use that complicated background later in somewhere. The next thing that's happening in recordings is piano-tracks. Another songs haven't got enough parts, so my interests are in 'Sweet Equals Suffer' now...

Timo gave me a pile of photographs and you can find them on following links:
A B1 B2 C D

The tracks Timo formerly recorded avaible on following link: Timo & Maisa

Next Timo with his serious greetings:
Promise me, that you ever run away from your homes!
When you feel being sick, alone, betrayed, mistreated, misguided, cheated, robbed of, violated, treated cruelly
the only thing that help is A PRAYER TO A GOD! Pray of forgiving and mercy!
GOOD WILL (When you give something good, you will always get something good back)
God does not belive in money/power/inequality/intoxicating agents/greediness/malice/pain,ache

April 7th 2004
Something made my computer mad and there was a some work to install Windows and other programs according to priority before my computer was a useful. Now I don't want to take a risk with musicsoftwares that my computer's going crazy again and that means a little break with working on my music (at least with computer). In spite of problems I've made a melody for a verse that comes to the opening track of upcoming demo. I did also arrangements with lyrics and melodies and my presentiments went right, the opening track is going to be titled as 'Sweet Equals Suffer'. I'll need a third part for that track (then I'm going to say I'm happy). I thought that I'm going to record a naked version in the spirit of piano & singing to cassette in the near future..
I've also made a plans for a new website for Dropper, pages are going to combine the worlds of clear red and white.
Sweet Equals Suffer is going to be a title of my demo in my plans. There's also logo based in theme and that appears on the cover of demo and it's also going to be visible in the new website (between logos of Dropper and Division Nature). There's probably going some manipulations with pictures for the cover, but that's not clear for me, what kind of material I'm going to use there.

Timo gave me a offer that one choice for recording tracks could be to work with his equipments. That's meant to happen in piece by piece and now when the machines are against me, I put the offer behind my ear (that's a finnish way to say that we're going to think about a offer). I will write here some story when this scene is clearing up more. I'm going to record when I've got a complete material for a work...

And then I'm going to business that's not in good shape for months, but now it is:
Now the all of the songs made by Division Nature is downloadable in mp3-format, you can find a new link to, when you're clicking the gramophone in the lower side of this site. Downloads and points you give for our songs raises our positions in the charts of mikseri (they're updating the charts in sundays). So, Division Nature gives a big hug for any downloads and votes for this time........

March 25th 2004
Softwares / programs have installed into my computer and some confusions with tracks were born and some were gone. The tracklist of upcoming demo has been clear for a while, but I don't have an idea for the lyrics yet. I've thought that the first song in demo is probably titled 'Sweet Equals Suffer', that told you about sweet things and how the sweetness is going for a living hell when time is running and totally tearing and ripping your soul broken.

Within those confusions with tracks I'd successfully (in some mystical way) lost brilliant drum-background somewhere into the heart of the computer :(
There were some kind of tribe drumming in the jungle (track sounds like that)...
At this moment creating music feels like I'm going to climb to the tree and my arse is going first to the top. That's because I'm not the master of softwares, I can't control all qualities of the softwares yet and that makes all difficult, but I will hope that my work is going well when I'm going on with tests...
There is coming intro in Dropper-theme and that's in there for a sign that this is the first production under title Dropper.

With all those 'computer-problems' I have enjoyed during the last month of melting snow, shining sun and livemusic. Minerva and Entwine gave me pleasure on the stage. We (me and Timo) were checking Entwine in the first (???!!!???) and as yet unique rockclub in our hometown. Both of us liked a lot of Entwine ('with 10 points' we usually said in Finland).. Minerva is formerly familiar for me and I've seen them on the stage before (so, this was the second time) and I've liked them because of airy and rolling pop-rock plus the swinging rhythms that's offered by the band and I can't forget the sweet singer of the band, her name is Sara... And now my stories are going into the wrong channels, I think..
Well, in one afternoon we have played with Timo some cover-versions of KISS with the little help of a notebook, just for the fun...
Spring is coming in (again) and it's lovely, when it's not so cold, I've got no more aches in my head and I can listen for a noise of singing birds. For me this ending winter was a most energic winter for years. I don't know a reason why, but the winter is (almost every year) very hard for my mental side and it (the dark and cold) sucks my energy and smile away. That's why the spring is my favourite of seasons.. And now when I got some work to do by studying the life and soul of "music equipments", there's no worst misery at all...

Timo gave me a pack of photographs and you can watch some of them from here

Here's some greetings from Timo:
During the last months I have played cover-versions of different artists and I've watched some movies. I checked also 2004 Grammy Gala and there's a great performances by everyone. Specially I liked White Stripes and Sarah McLachlan was also awesome. The funky part was brilliant, new blood / new generation in music is not a bad idea....
We took also a new promopictures and I made some effects (just for fun) for them that they're going to look better!!
Itīs Only A Rain.

February 18th 2004
Since the last time I have tested a stereoplug, made some experiments with sounds and testrecordings. There were chosen the most suitable sound for pianos and substitutions for guitars are getting clear. There's coming some gloomy and gothic sounds around those previously mentioned. By the way, there were born the first melody played by two hands within my experiments..

Now I've got also ear-phones and now I have to wait for programs to my computer, then I'm able to start recordings.

January 14th 2004
Well, I made a few pieces of lyrics and melodies after previous appearance in here and that's positive for me, because I was afraid about that after Division Nature "splitted up". I was afraid that my pen ain't sharp anymore, but that went wrong... I had collect 10 choices from my "text-archives" and finally I'll choose 3 most suitable of those themes for lyrics to upcoming demo of Dropper and now I can say in advance that here is coming something that we can call gothic..

There's also a new (bigger) hard-drive in my computer, though we had a small problems with compatibility and I can't get all of its capacity for use, but the space I can use is going to be enough for creating music. The lack of equipments is going to disappear and on the menu is only ear-phones and mic (I can probably rent it from somewhere, if I have a sudden need for it) and of course the programs from my computer (smallest pain in my ass of these "music-stuffs"). Assortment of equipments in my hometown are little bit of poor (not in "a 5-star grade"). There was a small operation for finding the cable between my synthesizer and computer (unfortunately)...
In the early days of 2004 I have started to create graphic design for Dropper, logo is going to have tints of purple and white (and shadows). For the cover of demo I thought some kind of vortex and I'll attach and mix other pictures on top of it (like I did it in Division Nature-covers). The material what I'll use for the cover depends on the lyrics, I'm trying to get some ideas from the lyrics of complete tracks.

I had also a connection to Timo and he gave me a 8-track demo that was recorded during the late 2003. Two of tracks are coverversions of Rolling Stones-originals 'All About You' and 'Last Time'. We can't put coverversions for a download from internet because of copyright control-issues, but the tracks written by Timo is going to be downloadable in the immediate future.. Music on the record is guitar-oriented instrumentals influenced of blues and traditional rhythm and blues.
Timo gave me also some updates for memberpage and some photos by him. I did some subpages of photos and collected them in themes and you can watch the themes around these links:
pictures from the night
candlesticks with angels
golden woods
pictures from wintertime
artistic pictures

...Dropper is already sneaking around the corner...

< News of the year 2005
News of the year 2003 >

biography discography guestbook links members music photos(by Timo) arts(by Tommi)