The News told by Tommi

A monument of Finnish War and me in Pernaja (in summer 2005)

October 13th 2005
I didn't waste my activities though I didn't write anything in here for a while, but...

Sweet Equals Suffer is finally completed, actually I've finished it in early september. After basictracks I've added for a background some buzzing/humming sceneries and backing vocals for chorus. In verses vocals were sang in two different sessions, original higher tone with echoes and lower tone flavoured with distortion. In chorus is also twisted and edited chords played in string-sound.
I'm satisfied of results I've reached, it sounds quite like I've planned. Previously mentioned 1980's and gothic is going to be found on the song. Also there is a drop of positive kind of insanity and weird sounds. The length of this song stops to 2:45 (I didn't want to end this one with traditional boring and neverending chorus), so it's suitable for airplay, There's no need to make a special kind of radioedit-version.. :)
I've planned to put own webpage for Dropper to, when I found some time for do that. I've been very busy with Room666 (HIM-fansite I'm webmastering) last few weeks because heartagram-family got some hurry at this moment in all directions...
Also besides in addition my computer had got a small functional problem that made a limitation for a use. The problem was related to a new display driver (I've boosted its capacity). Computer didn't want to be awake with heavier softwares...
Because of that I've decided to start working with Drunk Redneck later, now the problem is solved and work with my music continues.

That's all folks, I'll keep on working, stay tuned!

May 27th 2005
Tracks are again downloadable in

May 13rd 2005
Winter ended with an aggressive flu and it took my voice for weeks. That's why the recordings of vocals wouldn't been possible. I'll also have to cancel a performance that was planned to happen at April. We did a couple of rehearsals with Timo before I get ill. Setlist contained Division Nature-tracks and coverversions of Hanoi Rocks and Johnny Thunders. Performance was Timo's idea, unfortunately it won't happened this time...

Secondly another negative issues: I'd put our tracks to in January. Tracks have been downloadable there about 3 months before I found out that they're disappeared somewhere out of there. I didn't remove them and I'd also followed the rules of this site. I'd sent (twice) feedback with this incident and waited for an answer (until this day they didn't answer to me). Fault is not mine, if you didn't have Division Nature for your pleasure of listening. I hope that this thing is getting clear and returns for a condition what it was...

And something about hockey: Game continues at higher lever in my hometown after very complicated situations, our goaltender Nurminen (who's paying his debt for honour) gave a hand for a team and help us in economical way. While I'm writing this World Championships are over by Finland's team. Success was quite a poor and the final result was that Russia beats us in penaltyshots. Maybe the next year we have all of our stars in rink and we don't have to play with 'substitutes'...

February 24th 2005
The inspiration, creativity and some kind of spark attached me in surrounding reality all have been lost after Asian disaster have came back. Although my thoughts (and also sympathy) are still connected to disaster at times...

That microphone what I've tested earlier has showed me that's useful for recordings. It's not Shure SM-58, but it lasts for Dropper's works with vocals.
This all means that the recordings of Sweet Equals Suffer were going ahead. There is already everything else but vocals of verses on the tape for the basictracks. After that I've planned to unite all the parts and structures of that song together and view if it needs something additional voices behind. Some kind of backing vocals and synth-stuff I've thought to do there, but let's see what's the result finally..
My estimate of music at this time is that there is coming twisted stuff of 1980's with a small taste of gothic scene. Not so easy material to classify, I think...

And in the end as we all know, made our living easier with hockey: the future of local team is still in the shadows and bankruptcy is not so far away. I have to see one game more at least, if it's going to be the last game in highest level in this town for a long time. A year ago there were same kind of indistinct situation and this is not a good advertisement for my hometown. But what you can do, if business is going with bad luck.. Games are still going surprising very well when we remembered the material of team that's very thin (or perhaps it's nonexistent). Bigger losses appeared in the later part of season. One excuse for that is cancelled season in NHL that effected here with few of players who came here to play because of it. That makes some opposite teams little bit a stronger than before. When I write this 'our team' have 6 games left and after that season's over. There's so small work to do and we struggle over that in spite of our situation...

Today there is nothing else to say to you than we're moving towards spring and soon there is songs to listen...

January 20th 2005
There were happened that horrible disaster in Asia and that effected personally to me, too. Nearby my family was unfortunately people whose lives are never ever same as before tsunami. For a while my smile was lost and gone and I didn't find a inspiration for creating music. Right now writing this my feelings are becoming steady in some level (not remain unchanged however) and I have made plans for future, I will tell you about that little bit later. Before that I could paste here some text that's inspired by Asian disaster:
So many questions that never been verified
Fate won't give you mercy
Bad dreams follows you everywhere
So many answers that never been heard
Mercy won't give you justice
Regret stands in your eyes everywhere

And now those serious topics have to be removed by prettier topics and that means music. Previously there were songs of Division Nature downloadable on internet in two different sites, now they are available at same place. There is nothing else than download tracks in: Only you can do is put some heat on your mousebuttons...

For demo of Dropper I have tested microphone that hung in my warehouse and I think that I could record vocals by that. It needs some filtering that I can see extravoices disappear. Those are sounds of breathing and voices like that.
As I already told you demo contains 3 tracks. The first track of demo is still in same situation as in previous moment I wrote in here. There is coming 'sounds of outer space' for outro of this opening track, that's only change after last time. It's made of drumpulse going to hear in intro, but it's edited so strongly that there is weird cheeping and that kind of noise. I planned that second track of demo is probably titled as 'Drunk Redneck', that could be change later because I haven't started with that track yet. Let's make Sweet Equals Suffer first complete...

And finally some relief and that means chewing around hockeygames. Our local team (I'm supporting it, of course) is struggling with problems (and the biggest one is economical issues), playing is still fighting kind and my own estimate is that the results are good or even excellent by 90%, recognizing the lack of material. Team has reached same amount of points as last winter and there is still about 20 games to play. Future is still dark, but we can hope for the best...


News of the year 2006

News of the year 2004
News of the year 2003

biography discography guestbook links members music photos(by Timo) arts(by Tommi)