The News told by Tommi

Paparazzi took a picture of me in Pellavarock-festival in August 2006 (with the shorter hairstyle)

A monument of Finnish War and me in Pernaja (in summer 2005)

August 09th 2007
I thought to write here again that the visitors of this site don't think that I falled out of the map :D

After March I've been fighting with a local electric company (they put too much burden for my meter causing too big bill for me by this way and they wasn't eager to admit their faults...), searching for job like I did before though couple of persons gave me a extraboost for it, doing music with a fellow I previously mentioned in here (Dropper took a little break within this all stuff). Also my adventures around social life took its own time...

I think I can made this clear for you: project combining rock and electronic music is named as Lektrofatigue and we've got a material completed for 4 tracks. A track we've made in last November we're going to record again with much better sounds. The titles of tracks contains 'joyful matters' like: Down The Drain, Little Astray, Faking Cover and My Gasoline. We didn't decide the order of tracks yet.

With these tracks we're going to make a cover-version of one pophit in 1990's, hoping that we've get this track rocking more than original did and we've get some our own design for it. Myspace gets its own LF-site when these tracks are ready enough.

There's nothing else than we all are enjoying the end of summer and ROKATAAN JA VISPATAAN TUKKAA ROCK'N'ROLLIN VUOKSI!!!

March 10th 2007
Gosh, too long break when I wrote here for a last time, but now I'm going to fix this situation. During the last year there were a different re-arrangements of my personal life, I didn't left music or making it though I didn't inform here anything, sometimes other things than music or updating this site rising more important, I'm sorry...

What comes around music since the last time: Drunk Redneck is almost complete and I think that it's going to be listenable during this spring. For chorus I've done 2-piece drum-backgrounds, bassline (2 different lines, another clean and the other with reverb), riff and synthmelody. For verses and chorus I'd sang basictracks. All recorded tracks are mixed, panned and all needful effects are used. Some extramaterial is coming, then there is more Dropper in the space..

In early September we've started a project that've been in our talks a several years. We're going to compile rock and electronic music together with a fellow that I know from techno-scene. This combination has going that point where's a material for 2 songs. We're going to record another version of the first one, because we did a masterpiece after that and its first version sounds little bit trashy after that. I'm going to tell more about this project, when we have enough material (we planned to record 4 songs) that we could open a website for this stuff and put all songs together to people for listening and the songs having honour that they're screaming for.

Hopefully (I hope) that next time is sooner than this time :D

News of the year 2006
News of the year 2005
News of the year 2004
News of the year 2003

biography discography guestbook links members music photos(by Timo) arts(by Tommi)